Trauma Informed Response in the Church
Monday, October 23
Smithers Christian Reformed Church
Join us as we explore the crucial topic of Trauma Informed Response in the Church.
On average 2 of 5 congregants have experienced trauma. Trauma is a wound of the heart and mind that causes suffering. Our churches can become safe places to process & heal from trauma when churches & leaders are equipped to support those whom God puts in our paths & churches.
Come learn about trauma, what the Bible says about trauma, recognizing symptoms in self & others, gain understanding of the 3 most common ways trauma presents itself, & responding in nonharmful/practical ways.
For pastors, elders & deacons, pastoral care providers, church leaders & all interested persons.
Facilitating Partners:
Stacey Stolte – program lead – Bible based Trauma Healing – Canadian Bible Society
Faye Martin – Abuse Prevention & Response Coordinator – BC CRC Safe Church Ministry
admin@smitherscrc.com or call 250.847.2333
Questions? Contact Faye Martin (sfmartin@telus.net, 604-850-5137).
Additional Services
BC Ministry of Children & Family Development
BC Government Victim Help & Support
ShelterSafe is an online resource to help women and children seeking information or safety from violence and abuse.
E. Faye@bcsafechurch.com | P. 604.850.5137
The British Columbia Safe Church Team (SCT) is a BC Classis Partner helping build and sustain healthy congregations. We are a ministry of the Christian Reformed Churches (CRC) in British Columbia - Classis BCNW and Classis BCSE. We exist to respond to the issue of physical, sexual, emotional, and abuse related concerns through preventative education and appropriate responding procedures.
MCFD Helpline for Children
If you are a child or youth and would like to talk to someone, call the Helpline for Children at 310-1234. You do not need an area code. You can call at any time of the day or night and you do not have to give your name.