
It’s important for all church members to know and acknowledge that abuse exists even in our churches, learn to recognize it, and develop strategies to prevent all forms of abuse and the devastation left in its wake. Workshops are offered at on a variety of subjects/levels and include information like creating and maintaining safe environments, identifying forms of abuse, BC laws on reporting abuse, and how a church can respond appropriately. Workshops can be customized to the unique needs of each church.

Child Abuse Prevention Training


What Every Church Leader Needs to Know

  • BC laws on reporting child abuse.
  • Responding to reports when protection is needed.
  • Forms of abuse: Recognizing physical, sexual, emotional abuse indicators
  • Issues surrounding disclosures and supporting a child who discloses.

Recommended for all staff and volunteers (ages 18 and up) working with children and minors.

Child Abuse Prevention Training


Physical, Emotional Abuse and Neglect

  • More in depth than level 1 with emphasis on Physical, Emotional Abuse & Neglect.
  • Signs and Indicators; Why do Children remain silent?
  • How can the church respond?
  • How can the church be proactive in being a Safe Place.
  • Video Examples: “The David Pelzer Story: A Child Called IT” & “Scared Silent”

Recommended for all staff and volunteers (ages 18 and up) working with children and minors. 

Child Abuse Prevention Training


Sexual, Emotional Abuse and Neglect

  • More in depth than level 1 with emphasis on Sexual & Emotional Abuse and Neglect.
  • How can the Church respond?
  • How can the church be proactive in being a Safe Place?
  • Video Examples: “Scared Silent” – 2 offenders and Victims share their stories of sexual and emotional abuse.

Recommended for all staff and volunteers (ages 18 and up) working with children and minors. 

Child Abuse Prevention Training


Emotional Abuse

  • More in depth than level 1 with emphasis on Emotional Abuse.

Recommended for all staff and volunteers (ages 18 and up) working with children and minors. 

Protecting Ministry

Equipping Leaders & Protecting Ministry

  • Relational Skills; Understanding and Responding to Emotions
  • Relational Boundaries and Safe Guards
  • Positions of trust: Understanding the Risks
  • Protecting Ourselves, ministry and the church.

Ideal for Pastors, Church Staff, Council Members and Ministry/Program Leaders. Recommended for council and leadership retreats.

Protecting Ministry

A Safe Church – Responding to Abuse in Positions of Trust

  • Forms of Abuse; Definitions of Abuse.
  • How to make our church a safe place.
  • How does the CRC respond to abuse allegations? What is the Advisory Panel Process?
  • Video: “Not in My Church”. A church’s story of its pastor, the women he abused and the response of the church.

Recommended for Pastors, Church Staff, Council Members and Ministry/Program Leaders.

Protecting Ministry

Council Training: The Advisory Panel Process

  • The Advisory Panel Process: The role of the council, the Safe Church Team, the accuser and the accused in responding to abuse allegations against a church leader(s).
  • Identifying and understanding the dynamics of abuse.

Intended for Church Councils.

Protecting Ministry

Safe Church Policy Development and Implementation Training

  • Seven reasons why we adopt abuse prevention policies
  • General Prevention Policies
  • What makes churches vulnerable. Video: “Reducing the Risk”
  • Definitions of abuse; BC Law and Reporting

Recommended for Church Councils and Key Leaders in Children and Youth Ministry.

Protecting Ministry

Equipping Youth Leaders & Protecting Ministry

  • The role of the Leader in Youth Ministry
  • Identifying Risks in Youth Ministry; Understanding, Protecting, and Caring for Ourselves; Leadership Conduct, Understanding Boundaries.

For Youth Pastors/Directors & Youth Leaders. Recommended for Leadership Retreats

Special Interest

Abuse Awareness and Prevention Training For Youth

  • What is abuse?
  • Emotional abuse, bullying, physical, sexual abuse and harassment
  • Video examples

Recommended for Participants in Youth Programs and Youth Retreats

Special Interest

Understanding and Responding to an Offender.

  • Training for churches and individuals to give informed support and responses to individuals and families.
  • Information on the nature and issue of offending

Recommended for Church Councils, Church Leaders & Members.

Special Interest

Internet 101: Internet Safety for Everyone

  • Tools and Materials to promote online safety in your community and for your children, including protection from online pornography

Recommended for Youth, parents, church leaders.

Special Interest

Over 18 Documentary

  • An educational presentation about online pornography, ease of access by kids and minors,
    impact and some preventative/protection steps (more info)

Recommended for Youth, parents, church leaders.

Special Interest

Boundaries—Risks, Guidelines and Best Practices—info every leader needs to know

  • an interactive workshop including scenarios and group discussion

Special Interest

Domestic Violence Workshop

available as a basic or longer, more in depth, workshop

  • Definitions, Signs, Indicators,
  • Dynamics  & the Cycle of Domestic Violence
  • Recognizing & Responding
  • Safety, support & the important role of the church
  • Resource Guide

For all church leaders  and the whole congregation

Interested in booking a workshop?

Additional Services

CRC Safe Church Ministry

BC Ministry of Children & Family Development

BC Government Victim Help & Support

Shelter Safe

ShelterSafe is an online resource to help women and children seeking information or safety from violence and abuse.

The British Columbia Safe Church Team (SCT) is a BC Classis Partner helping build and sustain healthy congregations. We are a ministry of the Christian Reformed Churches (CRC) in British Columbia - Classis BCNW and Classis BCSE. We exist to respond to the issue of physical, sexual, emotional, and abuse related concerns through preventative education and appropriate responding procedures. 

MCFD Helpline for Children
If you are a child or youth and would like to talk to someone, call the Helpline for Children at 310-1234. You do not need an area code. You can call at any time of the day or night and you do not have to give your name.