Work With Us
BC Safe Church exists as a resource to, supports and works with the Christian Reformed churches in British Columbia. Through the work of the Abuse Prevention and Response Coordinator we partner with your church to be a safe place so all people can be treated with dignity and respect, without the risk of abuse. BC Safe Church supports councils in their roles & responsibilities related to safe ministries, abuse prevention & response.
In addition to helping each local church set up a Safe Ministries team–to ensure ongoing pursuit of a safe church environment–BC Safe Church will work with you by providing the following services.

Educational Workshops
It’s important for all church members to know and acknowledge that abuse exists even in our churches, learn to recognize it, and develop strategies to prevent all forms of abuse and the devastation left in its wake. Workshops are offered at on a variety of subjects/levels and include information like creating and maintaining safe environments, identifying forms of abuse, BC laws on reporting abuse, and how a church can respond appropriately. Workshops can be customized to the unique needs of each church.

The BC Safe Church Ministry & team offers—or helps churches offer—support services to people who experienced abuse or abused another. Those who have suffered abuse, and those who abuse others, need hope, help, and healing. These are not counselling services, but they include referrals, resources, phone calls or face-to-face conversations to help someone through a difficult time related to abuse.

The Advisory Panel Process is a CRC process that addresses an allegation of abuse against a church leader. The alleged abuse may have occurred when the complainant is an adult or a minor. This hearing process puts fact finding into the hands of a neutral panel of people who are trained to hear this kind of information, and can be requested by a complainant. BC Safe Church can be contacted for information and any questions around this process. Support and information can be provided as desired.
Additional Services
BC Ministry of Children & Family Development
BC Government Victim Help & Support
ShelterSafe is an online resource to help women and children seeking information or safety from violence and abuse.
E. | P. 604.850.5137
The British Columbia Safe Church Team (SCT) is a BC Classis Partner helping build and sustain healthy congregations. We are a ministry of the Christian Reformed Churches (CRC) in British Columbia - Classis BCNW and Classis BCSE. We exist to respond to the issue of physical, sexual, emotional, and abuse related concerns through preventative education and appropriate responding procedures.
MCFD Helpline for Children
If you are a child or youth and would like to talk to someone, call the Helpline for Children at 310-1234. You do not need an area code. You can call at any time of the day or night and you do not have to give your name.